Note-C Release Notes
- 2.5.6
- 2.5.5
- 2.5.4
- 2.5.3
- 2.5.2
- 2.5.1
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.2
- 2.4.1
- 2.4.0
- 2.3.0
- 2.2.1
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.8
- 2.0.7
- 2.0.6
- 2.0.5
- 2.0.4
- 2.0.3
- 2.0.2
- 2.0.1
- 2.0.0
- 1.6.0
- 1.5.0
- 1.4.2
- 1.4.1
- 1.4.0
- 1.3.0
- 1.2.1
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.6
- 1.0.5
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
Changes:- Marker selection keyboard shortcuts changed
- improved import of documents and insertions from the clipboard regarding superfluous spaces
Bug fixes: - Fixes a bug with Textbundle files with the markup language MarkdownExtra
Internal markup parser:
- Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown: improved recognition for correct bold and inverse in both variants
- Smark: improved link recognition
- Smark: various minor internal improvements
Bug fixes:- Fixes a potential crash of the app when running MultiMarkdown if certain conditions are met
- Addresses a display error in the editor in newer macOS versions that causes “ghost text” to appear at the bottom under certain conditions
Internal markup parser
- Improved recognition of bold (both types), italic (both types), underline, strikethrough, superscript and subscript markup and their encapsulated variants
- Styles in {} e.g. in spans and other elements are now recognized and converted
- Support for superscript and subscript text
- Minor adjustment of the display order for footnotes and bibliography so that they are consistent with the original MultiMarkdown
- Bibliography markup conversion completely rewritten to better match the original MultiMarkdown
- Extended support for uppercase tags
- Other minor internal improvements
- Small font markup implemented
- Various internal adjustments and improvements
- Fixes minor conversion errors of thead and tfoot with styles
- Fixes a bug in list detection where certain text sequences were incorrectly recognized as a list
New:- markup formatting can now be applied to several selections in the text at the same time. To select several areas in the text at once, the CMD key must be held down while using the mouse to select the passages to be formatted
- new preference option for the text editor: if text from web pages is inserted into the text field via drag'n drop or copy/paste, a markup conversion can be performed automatically. This option can be activated in the preferences under Editor
- improves the correct display of line numbering
- improved the behavior when creating and closing indented alphanumeric lists
- various internal improvements, optimizations and updates
Bug fixes:
- fixes minor bugs with the display of assets in text and adding assets via drag'n drop when images contain spaces in the name
- fixes a bug that caused the asset not to be added when adding assets to an entry under certain circumstances
New:- new option for the text editor to perform a double line break after headings. This function can be activated in the Note-C preferences under Typography
- new option for the text editor to not automatically continue alphanumeric lists. This function can be deactivated in the Note-C preferences under Typography
- redesigned user interface of typography in the preferences
- improved sentence counting in the text statistics in the text statistics panel
- improved word count in the text statistics in the text statistics panel
- improved markup removal action, most special characters remain in their original form
- improved behavior when canceling the insertion of text clips under certain circumstances
Internal markup parser:
MultiMarkdown New:
- support for abbreviations (acronyms) [MMD v6 Syntax]
Note:Note-C requires at least macOS 10.13 or newer as of this version
- Tab Action Convert numbers into words. Write a number, e.g. 111 and press the Tab key to convert the number to "one hundred eleven".
- improved behavior of the marker selection function
- improvements when setting up your own PHP interpreter
- improvement of the insert date function regarding undoing the action
- various internal modernizations
- changes the content of some labels
- when loading an entry, the text is now scrolled to the last saved cursor position
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in the display of the text editor that led to unwanted effects at the bottom of the text field in newer versions of macOS
- fixes a problem when starting Note-C where the document selected at startup was changed by automatic text replacement functions (intelligent quotation marks, intelligent hyphens)
- the keyboard shortcuts for Marker selection had to be changed, as the previous ones are occupied by the system in newer macOS versions
- the keyboard shortcut to select the text field has been changed
Markup parser:
Smark bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in the transformation of span, div, para and code tags with additional attributes if these markers are followed by a line break
- fixes a bug in the conversion of lists that contain sublists
MultiMarkdown bug fixes:
- when converting the {{TOC}} markup, incorrect compilations occurred under certain circumstances
Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in the handling of code blocks where markup was converted within the code block
New:- new, additional option for the internal markup parser to create HTML5 compliant markup tags on empty elements (img, br, hr)
- improved popup behavior of the CriticMarkup popover feature under certain circumstances
- improvements in text statistics
- improved behavior using text clips when selection is cancelled by ESC key
- preferences for setting up the MultiMarkdown tool adjusted to meet the new requirements
- several minor internal adjustments
- improvement in sorting of entries if they contain only a number as title
Internal Markup Parser
- improvements in the handling of attributes for block elements
- adjusted display for footnotes, they are now displayed superscripted and without brackets
- adjusted display for citations, which correspond to the current MultiMarkdown representation
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug when using the citation markup, which causes the app to crash under certain circumstances
- fixes a bug when using markup attributes that causes the app to crash under certain circumstances
- fixes a bug with the conversion of citation markup that led to incorrect display under certain conditions
New:- new CriticMarkup inline tool for convenient marking of selected text. Activation via the menu option Markup > Inline CriticMarkup (⌃P)
- new options for the appearance of the sidebar. Option to display a thinner sidebar and option to hide the sidebar
- distraction-free mode: new option to enable scrolling of the text field when the mouse pointer is outside the text field
Improvements: - minor improvements in the handling of the "Show in Finder" action in the Attachments pane
- distraction-free mode: when using a background image, the transparency setting is now taken into account
- distraction-free mode: background images are no longer simply stretched to fit the size of the screen, but are adjusted proportionally to the display size
General improvements:
- MultiMarkdown, when a custom parser should be activated, the internal parser, when activated, caused a conflict. So, instead of using the custom parser, the internal parser was used. For MultiMarkdown it is now the case that the custom parser always has always priority over the other options
MultiMarkdown improvements:
- {{TOC}} markup for generating a table of contents is now supported, as well the {{TOC:2-3}} and {{TOC:3}} extended variants
Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown enhancements:
- heading tags with additional attributes are no longer enclosed by p tags
Textile improvements:
- additional markup for IDs and classes can now also be provided to inline markup
- CAPS detection improved, possible CAPS within HTML tags (attributes) are no longer incorrectly converted
- table. markup is now also supported
- improved processing of attributes for block markup
- fixes a bug with the padding-right attribute in block markup
Smark bug fixes:
- fixes a problem where under certain circumstances some special elements are stripped out and do not give a correct result
- fixes a problem with the code tag that caused it not to render properly
Improvements:- improved unindent behavior by the delete key in unordered lists (* -)
- improved editor behavior when creating lists with li-tags for HTML and BBCode markup languages
- the internal Markdown, MarkdownExtra and MultiMarkdown Parser can now also escape the pipe character (|) with \|
- the internal MultiMarkdown parser can convert the [Caption element] for tables at the end of a table
Bug fixes:
- fixes an error in the automatic alpha list creation of the editor, caused by certain character combinations which resulted in inability to continue typing
- resolves an error in the internal MarkdownExtra and MultiMarkdown parser, where in certain tables formats all elements were formatted as headers
- fixes a bug in the internal MarkdownExtra and MultiMarkdown parser, where an additional empty column is incorrectly added for certain tables
- fixes a bug in the internal MarkdownExtra and MultiMarkdown parser, with colspan-formatting
Improvements:- JSON info file of existing Textbundle documents remain intact after changes and is no longer overwritten by a new info.json
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in distraction-free mode that prevented writing when highlighting was enabled and no custom font color was set
New:- all-new Distraction-Free Mode with extensive settings that can be adjusted directly in the active Distraction-Free Mode
- improvements when adding assets via drag’n drop
- when selecting a directory for a diary, a directory within a package file can now also be selected
- animated start and end of the distraction free mode. If you don’t want animations, you can switch them off in the Note-C preferences under „Reduce user interface animations“.
- internal Textile parser: attributes can now be added to caption-, head- and foot-elements for tables
Bug fixes:
- internal Textile parser: fixes a bug that could cause Note-C to crash
- internal Textile parser: fixes a bug that prevented headings from being written across multiple lines
- internal Textile parser: fixes an error that under certain circumstances adds br-tags in table structures
- internal Textile parser: fixes an error when converting tables that could cause an abortion of the conversion
- internal Markup Parser: fixes a bug for Markdown, MultiMarkdown and MarkdownExtra for numbered lists when using the tab character that could cause Note-C to hang or to display no formatted output at all
- internal Smark parser: fixes an issue with anchor links
- fixes a bug that could cause Note-C to crash when deleting assets
New:- new internal markup interpreter with improvements for all Markup languages supported by Note-C
- new feature that simplifies the correction of misspelled words and allows suggested corrections to be displayed via keyboard shortcuts. This feature can be activated in the preferences under the item Typography. More details about this feature can be found in the help
- new preference options in the Typography section to adjust the system-wide text settings for "Automatically replace two spaces with periods" and "Automatically capitalize words after a period" in Note-C
- improvements in the automatic text scrolling function, which now no longer scrolls the beginning of a text if it is already longer, but only when the cursor is in the vertical center of the text field
New:- new preferences setting for using your own PHP interpreter
- various minor adjustments to the user interface
- dark mode for the preferences for users of macOS 10.13 or earlier
New:- Note-C now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- various internal adjustments and updates
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
New:- setting up the notebooks now has its own area in the preferences and has been completely redesigned
- new preference option: Automatically adjust the order of notebooks according to their use
- display of the icon selection gallery for notebooks has been replaced by a new system
- display of the preview of individual entries has been replaced by a new system
- various internal updates
- various smaller improvements and optimizations
- various internal improvements for the right-click menu of the entry listing
- improved behavior of Note-C if the order of the notebooks is changed in the preferences
- changing the typographic quotation marks in the preferences has an immediate effect, a restart is no longer necessary
- preference option for the editor: the font size can now also be set with an own size in addition to the predefined values
- support for more types of plain text attachments (css, php, etc.)
- attachments are displayed alphabetically in the attachment bar
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug that caused Note-C to crash when all Attachments of an currently displayed entry were deleted outside of Note-C
- fixes an error that caused the attachment icon to appear in the entry list even though there are no attachments
- fixes an error in the preview of text attachment where black text appeared on a black background
- fixes a bug that prevented attachment files in bundle format (e.g. textbundle, RTFD) from appearing in the attachment bar
New:- two new options in the Tab Actions Manager
- instead of having to press ⌥⎋ to display the tab action completion, it can also be specified that only pressing ⎋ displays the completion
- option that the completion can be displayed if no character has been written yet
- inserting flexible Markers that can be activated using keyboard shortcuts (can be found in the menu under Markup > Insert marker)
- improved movement of text using the keyboard shortcuts
- minor improvements when displaying the notes list
- minor improvements in the management of attachments
- improved handling of Textbundle files that are not compliant and do not contain an asset directory
- Textile parser updated
- Smark parser (Swift version) updated
- Markdown-Parser (Swift version) updated
Bug fixes:
- fixed a bug in the help pages
- fixed a bug in setting a custom color for the I-Beam cursor
- fixes a bug that prevented the Share menu from being displayed
New:- Extended printer preferences with considerably more options to individualize the printing as you like
- When the main window is closed, the main window can be reopened by clicking on the dock icon
- moving text up and down using the keyboard shortcut for whole lines improved so that the lines swap places with each other
- preferences for the editor reorganized
- preferences for selected text now with color selection for the text and background of the selected text
- preferences for the background color of the text field, this is now optional. If not activated, the standard background color of the system is used
- preferences for the spacing in the text now with additional spacing option for the text area up/down
- preferences for the cursor revised and expanded, and its behavior in the editor improved
- preferences for the I-beam cursor reworked
- reset button for the text editor preferences added
- internal CSS styles for code blocks revised (in order to use updated CSS styles, the existing styles have to be reset in the CSS manager)
- new display foundation for the help system
- various internal updates and improvements
- Swift markup converter -> Various improvements for the Smark-language
Bug Fixes:
- fixes bugs in functions in which URLs are formatted with % -escapes
- fixes cut labels in the user interface
- fixes an error when creating ePub eBooks when images with special characters are included
- changes made by moving / duplicating text with keyboard shortcuts are saved
New:- new preset option to enable the entry-counter, which shows in the title of the window how many entries the current notebook has. This option can be activated in Preferences > Appearance > Number of entries in the current notebook in the window title
- entries with attachments are displayed in the list of entries with a paperclip symbol
- new menu and context menu action: Duplicate entry
- new alternative markup conversion engine, developed in the Swift programming language, implemented. This can be activated via the Preferences > General > Use internal Swift version of the markup converter (Beta version: Is in continuous development)
- various code areas updated
- appearance of the text statistics adjusted
- color label order of the pop-up button in the toolbar adjusted
- visual improvements to the Tab Action Manager
- Tab Action Manager behavior improved when loading, saving and switching between internally and externally stored tab actions
- visual improvements to the export manager
- order of the entries in the export manager under macOS Mojave or newer when loading a notebook is correct again
- Smark parser updated
Bug fixes:
- emoticon insertion as images for notebooks via drag'n drop under macOS Mojave or newer restored
- webnotes are now correctly declared as such when loading a notebook
- fixes an error in the export manager when creating ePub files in which images should be included whose file name contains one or more spaces
Note on the bookmarklet:
The previous bookmarklet for Safari does not work 100% with this version of Note-C. The updated bookmarklet for Safari is available at
Resolves a start-crash under macOS 10.5 Catalina
- Smark-Parser updated
- Textile-Parser updated
New:- Note-C now remembers the selected entry of a notebook and automatically selects it when the respective notebook is opened
- Drag'n Drop an entry onto the editor to insert the title of an entry into the text. In the preferences of Note-C under the item DragDrop, the format of the title to be entered can be customized
- Smark parser updated
Bug fixes:
- fixes an error in the display of line numbering in light mode
- fixes a bug where the set color label will be lost after saving an entry
- fixed a bug that caused the currently selected entry to be saved when a strand was added to the strand field, causing an incorrect modification date for the currently selected entry
- fixed some display errors in the user interface
- dates are now localized in newer versions of macOS again
- fixes errors in the mini-editor that could freeze Note-C under certain conditions
- fixed swipe alignment to select the next or previous entry
New:- Character-/Word-counter functions
- Clicking on the counter in the toolbar opens a window with an overview of the text statistics for the normal text and the markup-formatted text
- Options to customize the behavior of the counter in the toolbar: Exclude invisible characters and line breaks in character counting, as well as exclude individual letters in word counting
- Note-C natively supports Mojave's Dark Mode
- Smark parser updated
- Improvements for the settings of the text editor
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes an error when revoking CriticMarkup paste-actions
- Fixed bug when loading German help under Mojave
- Fixed an error loading help via direct help buttons
New:- right-click action for the text field: replace spaces in the selected text with %20 escapes
- right-click action for the text field: apply URL-Encode to selected text
- small adjustments when exporting to the HTML format
- "Edit in" function improved:
- Detects more applications that can edit files
- Applications that can process Textbundles-files will get the text bundle file delivered directly, provided that the Textbundle option is enabled
- applications are sorted alphabetically in the selection option
- BBCode parser updated
- Smark parser updated
- fixes a problem opening Textbundle-files defined with an unknown Markup-language
- fixes an error writing Textpack-files
- fixes a general problem with handling Textbundle-files
- fixes a issue for the warning of set Markup-languages
- fixes a word count error
Bug-fixes:- Fixed a bug that caused the crash of Note-C in some circumstances at startup
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct help page from being loaded if one of the help buttons was pressed in the preferences
- Fixed truncated texts in the German user interface
- Fixed text error
Updated System Requirements: macOS 10.10 or later
- MarkdownExtra as new language option added
- MultiMarkdown-Terminal-Tool can be used instead of the Perl script. To use the Terminal-Tool perform the necessary steps in the preferences of Note-C under the item "MultiMarkdown"
- added CriticMarkup support, must be activated explicitly via the preferences under the item "CriticMarkup"
- modernized user interface
- switching between bright / dark user interface via the menu Point View > Bright / Dark User Interface. A restart of Note-C is no longer required
- show / hide the title bar accessible via the menu item View > Show / Hide Titlebar
- preferences option: thin line numbering (to be found under the item Editor)
- Markup commands are now Collected under the menu item "Markup" including various new actions for formatting text including corresponding keyboard shortcuts:
- Heading 5 6
- Quotation
- Code
- Comment
- Ordered List
- Unordered List
- Underline
- Image
- More Actions
- Convert to Tag
- Copy HTML Code with distinction between whole text and selected text
- CriticMarkup: Highlight, Add, Comment, Remove, Replace
- Icons for notebooks new options in the preferences for notebooks
- Images can be added by drag'n drop to the icon field
- Emojis and Symbols can be added by drag'n drop to the icon field
- Any non-image file can be added by drag'm drop to the icon field, in this case the file-own symbol icon, for apps the app icon is used
- New icons for the integrated icon collection, and internally improved the iconbrowser
- Added icon reset option in the notebooks icon presets
- Menu items and Keyboard shortcuts for text / preview view switch and expand / collapse attachment bar added (under the main menu item View)
- Menu item "Move entry to" added (under the main menu item File)
- Menu item "Duplicate entry to" added (under the main menu item File)
- Color labels can now also be set via the right-click menu of the entry list
- Note-C is now also localized in French
- text editor: remove markup menu action renewed
- Smark parser updated
- BBCode parser updated
- Textile-Parser updated to 3.6.0
- new icons for the interface
- help completely revised
- optimizations to the Textbundle and Textpack creation
- improved display of the selected entry in the entry list
- improved display of the notes list
- dark mode-look updated to the current macOS version
- QuickExport internal improvements
- unnecessary elements in the interface of the export manager removed
- internal improvements in the export manager
- minor improvements for sorting the file list
- improvements in the status bar popover window
- user interface updated
- text-field uses the same font and color as the main editor
- when opening the status bar popover window the notebook selected in the main window will be preselected in the popover window
- behavior, color and appearance of the icon adjusted in the status bar
- improvements when exporting as an ePub file: only attachments used in the eBook text are included in the final file
- attachments of the currently selected entry which are added or renamed outside Note-C, will be recognized and reloaded whenNote-C becomes active
- the deletion of individual entries via the delete command can be revoked
- organization and management of notebooks in the preferences reorganized and simplified
- Preferences: diverse items of the user interface reorganized
- Main menu rearranged
- Export-Manager, Tab-Action-Manager and CSS-Style-Manager are now located under "Tools"
- Export-Manager, Tab-Action-Manager and CSS-Style-Manager are now located under "Tools"
- fixes a problem with the strands display
- fixes a bug when creating strands on the status bar where strands were not saved under certain circumstances
- fixes a bug when creating PDF and ePub files through the Export Manager
- fixes a bug that prevented overwriting existing files when exporting entries, even if this is explicitly desired
- fixes an error where the color label display in the file list was not displayed correctly
- fixes an error when exporting ePub files if an & sign appears in the file name of attachments which can cause the generated ePub not to be readable by eBook readers
- fixes an error that results in an internal crash of Note-C when deleting a notebook from the preferences, if the affected notebook was the last in the list and was currently selected in the main window
- fixes an error in the attachment bar where files with special file extensions have no icon displayed
- fixes an error in the Quicklook display of files in the attachment bar of files that do not use UTF-8 encoding
- fixes an error when returning from full-screen and distraction-free mode to normal mode
- fixes problems setting full screen mode preferences when full-screen mode is enabled
New:- (Direct-Version only) Updater-Check-System implemented
- Note-C automatically opens the last used entry on start now
- context-menu for the attachment-table
- duplicating an entry within a notebook now results in refreshing the list of entries, so the duplicated entry is visible immediately
- very long titles of entries are now displayed shortened within the list of entries which prevents corrupted display of additional informations
- tweaks to the interface of the Tab-Action-Table
- tweaks to the interface of the CSS-Style-Table
- smaller improvements for writing the textbundle-meta-data
- improved protection of using special-characters for file-names which can lead to unexpected behavior
- new Markup-Transformation-Engine implemented
- replaced the the strike-markup for Markdown and MultiMarkdown, instead of using the strike-tag, a del-tag will be set
- optimizations to the text-editor-core
- optimizations to the attachment-system
- within the list of entries, the currently selected entry always remains blue highlighted
- several internal methods refreshed/rewritten/optimized
- resolved an issue within the Smark-transformation, which could lead to freezing Note-C
- corrected website-links within the menu
New:- new Dark-Mode for users of OSX 10.10 or later, instead of using a custom Dark-Mode the native VibrantDark-Mode of OSX will be used
- set color-labels for entries, standard-color-labels of the file-system will be used, so those are also visible within the Finder-App for example
- Export-Manager, support für Textbundle and Textpack
- Quick-Export of single entries as txt, rtf, rtfd, doc, odt, html, pdf, textbundle, textpack
- new Preference-option to define a custom external editor, accessible through the "Edit in external editor"-Popup
- delete a selected entry using the shortcut CMD+ Delete-Key
- reset CSS-Styles-Button added to the CSS-Style-Manager
- new Xelaton CSS-Pack added (Existing users please use the reset CSS-Styles-Button to get the new CSS-Styles)
- new preference-option for the "insert date"-shortcut in the typography-tab (insert just the date instead of date and time)
- new Smark 2 parser added (please visit for more infos about Smark)
- new Wikitext parser added
- Editor-Enhancements:
- MultiMarkdown and Textile Table-Creation Smart-Editing
- when in a table-line, hitting the tab-key automatically creates a new |-symbol
- when in a table-line, hitting the enter-key the next line automatically starts with a |-symbol
- MultiMarkdown only: automatic generation of tablehead-line when hitting enter-key after first table-line
- unindenting list-items using the delete-key
- Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Smark tabbed indention for ordered Lists
- Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Smark automatic list-creation for ordered, indented lists
- shortcut for striked-style (CMD+D)
- shortcut for named links (CMD+Shift+L)
- MultiMarkdown and Textile Table-Creation Smart-Editing
- changed used font in interface to default system-font
- mini-editor now only performs a save of the file, if there are changes
- Export-Manager Save-Dialog improved for saving as single-file, the prompted save-panel will be presented as a regular save-panel instead of an open-panel
- some smaller tweaks to the Export-Manager related to pdf-files
- bigger tweaks to Export-Manager related exporting multiple files to one file
- warning-message, when folder-selection for a new book is not suitable
- warning-message, when the current entry cannot be saved
- several internal code-improvements
- resolves an issue which prevented inserting tabs at the beginning of a document
- solved an issue, where entering a title could lead to freezing Note-C
Improvements:- list of files is now sorted in natural way (previous behavior 1, 10, 11, 2, 20, 21, 3 -- Now 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21)
- adopted file-/folder selection-bar-style for OSX Yosemite and up
- several internal code- and interface optimizations
- improved drag'n drop behavior when dragging images from websites to Note-C
- when adding an image with spaces in filename to text, percent escapes will be added
- Optimizations for the preview-display
- Smark version 1.1.6 added
- resolves interface-glitch for the Tab-Action-Manager in OSX Yosemite and up
- resolves a bug which lead to false selection when renaming a entry and the renamed entry would become the first entry of the selected notebook
- resolves an issue when changing font-, background-colors in preferences using the color-slide-selector which can result in Note-C crashing
New:- new typography-preference-options
- smart links
- smart dashes
- data detectors
- when adding, removing, renaming files outside the app (Finder for example), changes will be noticed on return to the app and the listing of files will be refreshed
- improved adding of images from websites
- untranslated textview context-actions fixed
- some other fixes
- fixed some deprecations within code
New:- context-menu-actions for the editor
- remove markup from selection
- trim selected text
- if there is no set icon for a notebook, the corresponding folder-icon of the notebook will be used, individual folder-icons, set by user, can be used
- selected text, or the whole text when there is no selection, can be shared using the sharing-symbol and will be forwarded to the OSX-Sharing-System (only OSX 10.8 or higher)
- dockless-mode (to be set in the preferences), so Note-C can be used like a background-app
- new preference-option: automatic toggle of the attachment-bar, blend in when there are attachments, blend out if there are no attachments
- new preference-option: optional line-gutters for the editing-field
- new preference-behavior: when creating a new notebook and the title of this notebook is still "unnamed notebook", the title will be set to the name of the folder of the notebook automatically
- improved behavior of the search/replace-bar in conjunction with shortcuts
- within the attachment-bar, while displaying a preview of the attachments, arrow-keys can be used to navigate between the different attachments
- when adding attachments to the text, the focus remains on the text, so you can immediately continue writing
- BBCode 1.0.1 and Smark 1.1.5 implemented
- several improvements and enhancements of the editor-core
- improvements when changing notebooks and file-extensions within the preferences
- improvements regarding displaying icons in the popup-selector of the status-bar panel
- missing placeholder-text for the search-textfield will be displayed in OSX 10.10+ now
- resolved an issue when deleting notebooks in the preferences and updating the notebook-switch-navigation-bar
New:- new preferences to set the infos displayed in the entry-listing (created-modified-date turn of and on, display a preview of the text: 1-5 rows can be set)
- preferences for font-size for entry-listing text
- preferences for font-size for strands-listing text
- entry-list context-menu - new option: duplicate selected entry to another notebook
- entry-list context-menu - new option: move selected entry to another notebook
- context-menu for strands
- send selected strand to text
- send all strands to text
- send all strands created today to text
- delete selected strand
- delete all strands
- delete all strands not created today
- wording change: Notices replaced by strands within the English user-interface
- images from webpages, added to the attachment-table of Note-C using drag'n drop, without a file-extension will be added now correctly so those images will displayed correctly in the attachment-table
- some adjustments to the user-interface in the "dark-mode"
- some user-interface changes to the parts where new strandsare being added and edited
- improved behavior of attachment-preview when adding or deleting attachments
- wenn adding/deleting strands in the "dark-mode", they will be displayed correctly now
- add strand-sheet date-display will be shown now in the set system-language
New:- Smark Version 1.1.4 implemented
- new Export-File-Format ODT
- improved definition of elements within the English user-interface
- improved behavior of the main-interface when doing changes within the preferences
- solved an error for displaying files in the attachment-bar
- Dates within the Menubar-Tool will be localized correctly now
New:- Textbundle-support, can be activated within the Preferences > General > File-Extension. Learn more about the Textbundle-file-format at
- Smark version 1.1.2 implemented
- image-attachments can be pasted/dragged to most apps using Drag'n Drop
- new option within the preferences to move original-files to the trash after adding them to Note-C
- Multimarkdown-preview and shortcuts for bold-, inverse- and headline-markup added
- HTML-preview and shortcuts for bold-, inverse- and headline-markup added
- rightclick-menu added to the entry-listing with following options:
- open entries in a separate window
- rename entry
- delete entry
- show file of entry in Finder
- show attachments of entry in Finder
- saving tab-actions in certain using-conditions improved
- handling of attachments improved when the attachment-preview-window is active
- handling of Drag'n Drop of attachments to the text-editor improved
- attachment-preview-windows remembers its position for the next session
- several smaller improvements for the export of entries
- export to ePub-format with improved compatibility to iBooks
- several smaller improvements to the interface
- several smaller improvements for searching entries
- when a new file-extension is being set and confirmed with pressing Enter, the list of entries will be refreshed
- when adding images using Drag'n Drop to the text-editor, the correct markup will be inserted now
- erroneous display of the text-field in certain circumstances fixed
- fixed a bug when exporting entries with certain options selected solved which lead to empty pages
- fixed an error when exporting entries to the PDF-format which caused that no images would be embedded when the option "All entries to one file" was selected
- solved an issue when exporting to the ePub-format concerning embedded metadata
- improved reaction of search to input and therefore solving an issue which lead to aborting the search
- fixed some issues with the user-interface
- fixed some issues when exporting to ePub-format which could lead to unreadable files
New- Preview-Mode added, to preview entries formatted with Markdown, Textile, BBCode, Wikitext, MultiMarkdown or Smark
- own CSS-Syles in form of CSS-files can be added to Myary for use in the Preview Mode. Call the CSS-Selection by selecting File -> CSS-Style-Manager
- Tab-Actions: by using a keyword and the Tab-key potions of text can be easily added to the text. Call the Tab-Action-Manager from the menu by selecting File -> Tab-Action-Manager
- built in icon-gallery for your notebook-icon-selection
- Add-Button added to the lower left of Note-C to open the Preferences and to add new diaries quickly
- when selecting a notebook or an entry, write-permissions will be checked. When selected entry is protected and can be edited an appropriate warning will be displayed
- several smaller improvements, optimizations and adjustments for the newest OSX-version Yosemite
Solved bugs - preventing of carrying over Undos to other entries
- contents of the calendar will be updated when changes are being made within the preferences
- solved an issue with accessing folders, where the entries are stored, when doing changes in a certain way
- solved an issue with setting a new background-image for the fullscreen-mode
- several visual-glitch annoyances within the fullscreen-mode solved
- solved an issue with the disctraction-free mode in OSX 10.6
- solved a bug of automatic deletion of empty entries which lead to crashing Note-C
- solved an issue with the sandbox-environment and the quick-selection-bar
- several smaller bugfixes
- smaller cosmetic adjustments
New:- Shortcut added for quick selection of notebooks (CMD+Shift+L)
- Smark version 1.1.1 implemented
- Textile version 3.5.5, corrected version, implemented
- adding the very first attachment to an entry using drag'n drop when attachment-folder doesn't exists yet, improved
- entries and notes are now separated by an adjustable split-view
- small changes to the save-procedure of files
- file-information now get refreshed in a timely manner
- attachment-preview for audio- and video-files replaced with a new system
- 80+ smaller internal improvements
- fixed a bug for the distraction-free mode which lead to crashing Myary
- fixed a bug for adding a background-image for the fullscreen-mode
- fixed an issue with displaying attachments under certain circumstances
New:- dark-window mode, can be activated via the preferences
- Textile version 3.5.5 implemented
- Smark version 1.1.0 implemented
- shortcut added to select the text-editor
- shortcut added to reset search-results
- shortcut for adding date and time (CMD+Shift+D)
- navigation-shortcut for entry-selection (CMD+ and CMD-)
- navigation swipe-gesture for entry-selection. Two-finger swipe to the left selects next entry, two-finger swipe to the right selects previous entry
- when setting markup per shortcut, autosaving will now be triggered
- adding images to the attachment-bar improved, Opera and Chrome are supported now too
- better handling of text-files with undefined encoding
- improvements within the preferences for setting and changing notebooks
- search improved, special-, japanese-, chinese-, etc.-characters can be searched for now too
Improvements:- search for words with special-characters improved
- small optical change to the text-editor (small margin added to upper and lower edge of the editor)
- thick insertion-point option improved
Improvements:- general improvements
New:- Pictures from Safari (and other Webkit-applications (excluding Opera and Chrome)) and Firefox can be imported directly
- automatically opens the main-window when switching to he app if the window is closed
- exporting a book collected into one file with Markup now works properly
Bugfixes:- solved export-issues with special-characters
- solved an issue of generating preview-images of attachments
- solved an issue of attachment-actions which could lead to problems
New:- new feature - offering a button to open a webpage where a note has been taken from with the bookmarklet
- new preference-options to set font-type ,-size and -color for printing
- new feature - editing selected note
Improvments: - some "very" small tweaks to interface
- added some missing tooltips to some buttons
- corrected some tooltips in the German version
- improved behavior when deleting notes
- app now automatically goes to background when a webnote is received
- improved scrolling behavior for notes-listing
- corrected a small issue with the search-behavior
- initial release