
Entries for February 2022


eBookBinder 1.11.0 released

eBookBinder 1.11.0 is now available on the Mac App Store.

This version includes various new features for working with chapters. The most important feature of this update is the fact that multiple chapters can now be selected in the chapter table, which now allows multiple chapters for example to be deleted or moved. A completely new function is the merging of several selected chapters into one chapter.
In addition, there are various detail improvements that further improve the work with eBookBinder. The exact details of this update can be found in the list of changes.

The complete list of changes


  • selecting multiple chapters at once in the chapter table is now possible, with which the following features are now available
    • move multiple chapters at once
    • delete mutltiple chapters at once
    • new function in the chapter table: merge multiple selected chapters into one chapter
  • new feature in the chapter table: duplicate chapters
  • new feature in the chapter table: insert an empty chapter
  • new check routine in the preferences for markup file extensions, it is now checked for duplicates and unusable extensions like doc, html etc.


  • minor adjustments to internal CSS style
  • Smark, Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown Swift parsers: bold, italic, strikethrough and underline markup can now be applied across multiple lines
  • visual improvements to the Chapter editor regarding changes, this is now signaled by the signal dot in the close button and when closing the window, if there are changes, you will also be asked whether these should be saved
  • a warning is now issued before an eBook is created if chapter titles are missing or if they are titled "New unnamed chapter"
  • when reading in HTML files as chapters, eBookBinder can now also search for images in these files and also import them, if the specific folders are set to be accessible

Important Links:

Purchase eBookBinder at the Mac App Store

Download the Demo Version of eBookBinder

eBookBinder Overview

eBookBinder Release Notes

Until next time!

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