Entries for June 2022
MarkMyWords 2.5.0 released
MarkMyWords 2.5.0 is now available on the Mac App Store!
This update brings an exciting new feature to the area of correcting text errors. The internal spell check of macOS allows you to quickly select misspelled words with the "Spell Check" command (keyboard shortcut: ⌘;). By right-clicking on the corresponding selection, suggestions to correct the corresponding error are displayed.
With the new function in MarkMyWords, which can be activated in the preferences under Typography under the item "Automatically show spelling suggestions", there is no need to touch the mouse. If a corresponding error is selected by the "Spell Check" function, the corresponding correction suggestions are automatically displayed and can be selected with the arrow keys.
Alternatively, a red underlined word can also be selected manually and the corresponding correction suggestions called up with the key combination ⌥+ESC.
Another new feature has been added to the Distraction-Free Mode, which now offers an optional highlighting feature. If the function is activated, the surrounding text is darkened compared to the current line. This can further increase attention on the current text. This function can be activated via the Distraction-Free Mode preferences and can also be fine-tuned to your own needs.
This update also offers a few other improvements and bug fixes. The exact details can be found in the list of changes.
The complete list of changes:
- new feature that simplifies the correction of misspelled words and allows suggested corrections via keyboard shortcuts. This function can be activated in the preferences under the item Typography. More details about this function can be found in the help
- new highlight mode in Distraction Free Mode that highlights the current line you are typing on against the rest of the text. Adjustable via Distraction Free Mode presets.
- if a Textbundle-file contains other elements than the usual text file, the info.json and the assets folder, these elements are preserved
- improved behavior of MarkMyWords handling the access of Quicksave folder
- animated sidebar collapse and expand and start and end of Distraction Free Mode. If you don't want animations, you can turn them off in the MarkMyWords preferences under "Reduce Interface Animations"
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug for the internal Textile parser that can cause the application to crash
- fixes a bug when opening Textbundle-files where, under certain circumstances, the Markup language specified in the json file is not set
Important Links:
Purchase MarkMywords at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of MarkMyWords
Until next time!
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