Entries for August 2023
MarkMyWords 2.8.0 released
MarkMyWords 2.8.0 is now available on the Mac App Store!
It's time again for an update of MarkMyWords and this one brings improvements in several areas, bug fixes and a new, completely reworked function for printing formatted documents or creating PDF files.
New: Revised function of printing formatted documents
The revised function for printing the formatted document or creating a PDF file works much better with MarkMyWords 2.8.0 with regard to the target medium. Using the settings within the preferences of MarkMyWords, there a variety of options to adjust the result to your own preferences.
All those who are familiar with CSS also have the option to further individualize the desired result by using their own CSS file.
This feature requires macOS 11.0 or later.
Improvements in various areas
This update provides improvements in several areas to make working with MarkMyWords even better. In addition to improvements in importing text documents into MarkMyWords, which now produce significantly less excess blank space, the behavior of the CriticMarkup popover and Textclips has been refined to make them more responsive to input in various situations. Finally, among the improvements, there are small changes to the text statistics, in particular to the sentence count, which, for example, no longer counts list items as sentences.
All details about this update can be found in the list of changes.
The complete list of changes:
- new system for formatted printing and exporting as PDF, including corresponding presets, implemented (requires macOS 11.0 or newer)
- improved import of text documents, so that less excess spaces and blank lines are generated
- improved appearance behavior of the CriticMarkup popover feature under certain circumstances
- improvements in text statistics
- improvement in behavior when using text clips when selection is canceled by ESC key
Bug Fixes:
- fixes a bug when rendering a document in an external browser that caused embedded images not to be displayed
Important Links:
Purchase MarkMyWords at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of MarkMyWords
Until next time!
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