Entries for July 2024
Essaylum Testflight Beta - Part 2
A few days ago, I released an updated version of the beta version of Essaylum, which is automatically available to all TestFlight users. Another one will follow soon. These versions contain various bug fixes, refinements and improvements in various areas. The visual appearance is also still being fine-tuned.
Notes on the beta test
Essaylum uses Apple’s Testflight system for beta testing. For those who have not yet had any contact with TestFlight, it is recommended to take a look at Apple’s overview page, where everything about Testflight is explained. The corresponding links are at the end of this entry.
In order to use the full range of Essaylum features, it is necessary to activate an In-App purchase. In TestFlight, In-App purchases are provided free of charge during the beta phase. Please note the corresponding App Store messages that you receive when you log in and click on the In-App purchases. Overall, the whole procedure is structured like in the normal App Store and should be easily accessible to anyone who has ever downloaded/purchased something in the App Store.
The outline tool
Today I would like to write a few words about Essaylum's outline tool. This tool offers a wide range of options for preparing and structuring the project. This tool has been designed in such a way that it can continue to provide assistance during the actual writing process and not just in the preparatory phase.
Once the individual outline points and sub-points have been created, the points can be freely moved, removed and further points added. However, the great strength of the tool lies in the menu items “Create Chapters” and “Add Scenery to Document”, which can be accessed via the action selection button.
Using Create Chapters, Essaylum automatically creates corresponding chapter files in the specified order. It is also possible to include the sub-sections as a synopsis or to the scratch sheet of the respective document.
This action can be carried out not only at the beginning of a writing project, but also in the middle. The action can be precisely controlled by selectively choosing outline points and specifying where the corresponding chapters should be inserted in the list of chapters.
With Add Scenery to Document, the outline points can be inserted into the current document with automatic formatting, e.g. as a heading, which can be helpful when pre-structuring a chapter.
Essaylum also offers the option of creating a separate outline for each individual chapter in order to improve and refine the clarity of very large projects.
Well, that's it for today. I'll be writing more details about Essaylum soon.
Until next time!
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