
Entries for September 2024


Essaylum Testflight Beta - Part 4

Recently I released an updated version of the beta version of Essaylum, which is automatically available to all TestFlight users. This version contains various bug fixes, refinements and improvements in various areas. The visual appearance is also still being fine-tuned.

Notes on the beta test

Essaylum uses Apple’s Testflight system for beta testing. For those who have not yet had any contact with TestFlight, it is recommended to take a look at Apple’s overview page, where everything about Testflight is explained. The corresponding links are at the end of this entry.

In order to use the full range of Essaylum features, it is necessary to activate an In-App purchase. In TestFlight, In-App purchases are provided free of charge during the beta phase. Please note the corresponding App Store messages that you receive when you log in and click on the In-App purchases. Overall, the whole procedure is structured like in the normal App Store and should be easily accessible to anyone who has ever downloaded/purchased something in the App Store.


Search in all documents

Writing projects can become quite voluminous and if they are divided into many individual texts, i.e. chapters, searching for specific text passages and terms can become a tedious task. Essaylum offers an extensive search tool with various useful functions to make your work easier.

In addition to searching in individual chapters, it is also possible to search in all chapters simultaneously. The search is not limited to a single search term, but several terms can be specified to be searched for at once.

Find and replace

In addition to searching, Essaylum also offers the option of replacing the text passages found with new terms. Here too, it is possible to enter a corresponding value to replace each search term.

You can also selectively replace individual search results or all at once.

Critic Markup batch processing

Essaylum's special search also has its own section for Critic Markup. These special markups can also be searched for and for each type of Critic Markup a number of different options are available as to what should be done with the text passages found.


An important function of a writing application is certainly the export of the written piece of work. For this purpose, Essaylum provides a comprehensive area that offers many options and enables individual exports.

The export area is divided into four sections. The first area is used to specify which chapters are to be exported. Of course, all chapters can also be selected quickly. It is also possible to add your own text documents to the export as attachments in the resources area. A selective choice is also possible here.

There are then three areas for the different formats in which the text is to be exported.

The first option is to export the text in various document formats, such as RTF or DOC. There is the additional option of combining the text into a single file or saving each individual chapter in a separate file.

Another option is to export as an ePub eBook. In this area, various meta data to be added to the eBook, options for opening behavior, additional pages, such as a table of contents, can be activated, and of course a corresponding cover can also be selected.

The third option is the special creation of a PDF document. This is special because advanced settings can be made in this area for the composition, e.g. page breaks, and appearance, e.g. the size of the headings, of the final document.

Another interesting detail of these export functions is that the settings made are saved and do not have to be reset for each new export.

So much for today. I will be writing about other Essaylum functions soon.

Until next time!

Important Links:

Essaylum TestFlight Link

TestFlight overview.

Essaylum Overview

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