
Entries for November 2024


Essaylum Testflight Beta - Part 5

A new updated version of the Essaylum beta is coming soon and will be automatically available to all TestFlight users. This version will include many bug fixes, refinements and improvements in various areas.

Notes on the beta test

Essaylum uses Apple’s Testflight system for beta testing. For those who have not yet had any contact with TestFlight, it is recommended to take a look at Apple’s overview page, where everything about Testflight is explained. The corresponding links are at the end of this entry.

In order to use the full range of Essaylum features, it is necessary to activate an In-App purchase. In TestFlight, In-App purchases are provided free of charge during the beta phase. Please note the corresponding App Store messages that you receive when you log in and click on the In-App purchases. Overall, the whole procedure is structured like in the normal App Store and should be easily accessible to anyone who has ever downloaded/purchased something in the App Store.

The Reference Tool

If you have to write a longer text, you often create a reference catalog or a lookup list so that you always have the most important details to hand. Essaylum offers its own tool for this, so that you always have the relevant references, notes and other information to hand when writing.

What can be stored in the reference tool?

The reference tool supports the display of a variety of file types. First of all, various types of text documents such as Doc, RTF, PDF or simple text files can be collected and viewed there. Images, audio and video files are also supported. However, it should be noted that these reference files are all saved in the project itself and increase the file size of the project accordingly. It is therefore impractical to store very large media files.

Create your own reference documents

However, the real strength of this tool lies in the creation of your own reference documents, for which the same writing tools are available as for normal texts. With this type of reference document, a distinction is made between editing and viewing. Editing is carried out in the same way as for normal texts. The corresponding texts are then formatted in the viewing view. Those who also work with headings are also provided with a helpful navigation structure that makes it easier to navigate through large documents.

Grouping and searching

With reference collections, it can be difficult to find the desired information quickly once they reach a certain size. A search function is available for this purpose. It is also possible to collect references in groups. Any number of groups can be created and each of these can be assigned an icon, which can also be customized with a desired color. The reference documents can be quickly assigned to a specific group using a selection button and the display of the list of reference documents can be restricted to a specific group.

Export / import self-created references

The specially written articles and texts can be easily exported or copied via the Finder, as the texts are each available as independent Textbundle files. It is therefore also easy to transfer them to other projects, e.g. if you are writing a series, the corresponding references can be used over and over again.

Essaylum thus offers a comprehensive tool for creating and managing your own reference catalog. Furthermore, it is always within reach thanks to its convenient layout.

Until next time!

Important Links:

Essaylum TestFlight Link

TestFlight overview.

Essaylum Overview

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