Entries for August 2021
HashGazer 1.1.0 released
#Gazer 1.1.0 is now available on the Mac App Store. In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors, this update also offers several adjustments to the user interface of #Gazer and some smaller, internal improvements.
Complete list of changes
- #Gazer now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- various internal adjustments and updates
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
- Critic Markup Preferences text adjusted
Important Links:
Purchase #Gazer at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of #Gazer
Until next time!
Easy-Cat 1.1.0 released
Easy-Cat 1.1.0 is now available on the Mac App Store!
In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors, this update also offers a new option for adding files with different files-extensions.
Complete list of changes:
- Easy-Cat now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- new option to concatenate files with different extensions
- various internal adjustments and updates
- minor adjustments to the user interface
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug that can lead to a crash of Easy-Cat under certain circumstances
Important Links:
Purchase Easy-Cat at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of Easy-Cat
Until next time!
MarkMyWords 2.1.0 released
MarkMyWords 2.1.0 is now available on the Mac App Store!
In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors, this update also offers several adjustments to the user interface of MarkMyWords and some smaller improvements.
The complete list of changes:
- MarkMyWords now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- adjustable toolbar style in macOS Big Sur
- various internal adjustments and updates
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
- improved behavior when opening documents with self-defined file extensions (Preferences > Markup > File Extensions)
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug in the text statistics
Important Links:
Purchase MarkMywords at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of MarkMyWords
Until next time!
SizeMyPics 1.8.0 released
SizeMyPics 1.8.0 is now available on the Mac App Store!
In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors, this update also offers minor adjustments to the SizeMyPics user interface.
The complete list of changes
- SizeMyPics now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
- various internal updates and optimizations
Important Links:
Purchase SizeMyPics at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of SizeMyPics
Until next time!
MarkupTable 1.5.0 released
MarkupTable 1.5.0 is now available on the Mac App Store.
In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors and adjustments to the user interface, this update also fixes a few bugs.
The MarkupTable 1.5.0 Release Notes
- MarkupTable now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
- various internal updates and optimizations
Bug fixes:
- Swift markup converter presets can be used again under macOS Big Sur
- fixes a bug when opening documents if separator detection is set to automatic
- fixes a bug with the web preview when the spreadsheet-design is activated
Important Links:
Purchase MarkupTable at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of MarkupTable
Until next time!
eBookBinder 1.8.0 released
eBookBinder 1.8.0 is now available on the Mac App Store. In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors and adjustments to the user interface, this update also fixes minor bugs and offers a few improvements.
The complete list of changes
- eBookBinder now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- various internal adjustments and updates
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug of the shortening function in the chapter editor when the selection contains several paragraphs
Important Links:
Purchase eBookBinder at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of eBookBinder
Until next time!
Textbundle Editor 1.1.0 released
The new version of Textbundle Editor is now available on the Mac App Store. In addition to native support for Apple Silicon-processors and adjustments to the user interface, this update also fixes minor bugs and brings a few improvements.
Complete list of changes
- Textbundle Editor now runs natively on Apple Silicon-processors
- standard colors for the editor for the first start adjusted, so that they correspond to the current color scheme
- adjustments of the user interface for Big Sur
- small adjustments to the general file-saving settings
Bug fixes:
- fixes a bug with setting the font color if the background color is set immediately afterwards for the current active window
- fixes a bug with the editor that occurs under special circumstances with Textpack-files when new assets are added
Important Links:
Purchase Textbundle Editor at the Mac App Store
Download the Demo Version of Textbundle Editor
Textbundle Editor Release Notes
Until next time!
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